Advice for local planning authorities
Source: Protected species and development: advice for local planning authorities – GOV.UK (
The above link has been shared with @angleseycouncil as a reminder of the laws they have broken by allowing planning permission for Land and Lakes to tear up the home of protected species. The following points were highlighted:
You should:
~ make sure developers use a suitably qualified and licensed ecologist to carry out surveys at the right time of year using appropriate methods
~ not decide on planning applications until you have received all the necessary surveys
Just in case they wanted more information, the link to the page about Protected Species and Development was shared on the @angleseycouncil’s Twitter feed. They have been reminded that:
You can refuse planning permission if surveys:
~ are carried out at the wrong time of year are not up to date
~ do not follow standard survey guidelines without appropriate justification
~ do not provide enough evidence to assess the likely negative effects on protected species